Sunday, April 13, 2014

Venezuela's False Anarchists - El Libertario

From the first reading of their communiques 6 years ago, I was suspicious of this group. Beware false anarchists - basically brown shirts hiding under the black flag. Here is the dirt on them from ROARMAG. See

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Comox Valley Anarchist book Fair May 3

On Sat. May 3, 2014, the Screech Owl Collective will be bringing you the Second Annual Comox Valley Anarchist Book Fair to be hosted at The Abbey (2687 Penrith Ave) by the Village Muse Bookstore in Cumberland. ---- From 10AM-5PM, the Abbey will be transformed into a festive bazaar of anarchist books, zines, and crafts. The day’s events will include ongoing workshops and discussions that will happen across the street at the OAP Hall, and a lunchtime feast will also be held there between 1-2 PM. ---- In the evening, an open mic Cabaret will unfold starting at 7PM back at The Abbey. All these events are free and open to the public. We seek to create a libratory and kid-friendly atmosphere for the day. ---- With respect, we acknowledge that we are holding this event on unceded K’ómoks territory. In the words of Brad Taylor, one of the Book Fair organizers, “This one day voyage into a marvelous world free from all constraints will open up to any and all who are interested, curious, intrigued, fascinated or intoxicated by what anarchists from all over BC are up to. So come on out and discover what anarchists mean when we demand the impossible.”

To help in this voyage of discovery, tablers include Camas Books (Victoria), Spartacus Books (Vancouver), Eberhardt Press (Portland, OR), PM Press (Oakland, CA), along with a dozen other local efforts such as Red Lion Press (Nanaimo), Black Banner Publications (Vancouver), the Pender Punx, and the Intercoastal Print Collective, as well as a sparkling array of participating authors, a wild assortment of cultural provocateurs, and a rousing contingent of radical unionists from the Vancouver Isle Wobblies.
What issues are local anarchists thinking about these days? Workshops and themed discussions will fill the air in the OAP Hall all day.

Those scheduled include: “Birthing Freedom” (10AM-11:30) ( Facilitated by Serena) This workshop will explore how childbirth can be a truly liberating act for everyone involved. It will address options, physiology and ways of reclaiming choice during childbirth in the face of the capitalist medical industrial complex, the reality of fear and how prevailing ideologies challenge the empowering, autonomous, even orgasmic, potential in childbirth.

“Oral Culture and Anarchism” (11:30-1PM) (Facilitated by Julian) This workshop will begin a conversation about the place of oral culture in current anarchist communities and movements, and how an overemphasis on written/literate/digital culture might serve to reinforce many things anarchists are against and promote a disconnection from the specific regions and ecosystems we inhabit. I am most interested in asking questions and generating ideas for how anarchists can experiment with regenerating oral culture.

“Anarchists and Indigenous Solidarity (2-3:30) (Facilitated by Brad and Karl) What distinguishes anarchist solidarity? How is it unique? How do we support non-anarchists while maintaining our principles? We will be talking about critical solidarity, especially in relation to indigenous rebels who may have different, divergent or opposing goals than us.

“Confronting the LNG Hydra” (3:30-5PM) (Facilitated by BC Blackout) A presentation of an anarchist approach to expanding the resistance to the emerging fracked gas infrastructure. Linking the struggles from the north to our own backyards, we will be discussing our ideas around strategy, solidarity, and fomenting social struggle towards revolutionary transformation.

In addition, there will be a Kids’ Plant Walk outdoors after lunch (adults welcome) For more information as it evolves:


Thursday, April 03, 2014

Via Campesina Supports Venezuela Against US-inspired Right-Wing Attacks

Via Campesina, the peasants organization embracing 200 million peasants world wide, defends the Venezuelan Revolution against US-inspired far-right attacks. See:

Viscious racism that lies behind the right-wing protests -

Note – Racism is the dirty little secret of the Latin American ruling class. A parasitic class of European origin rules over a peasant and working class population of Indigenous and African origin. The ruling class regards these as basically sub-human, so there is no limit to their cruelty and exploitation. (Consider only the massacre of Santa Maria de Iquique of 1907 when 3000 unarmed salitre workers were machine gunned to death, not to mention all the horrors since then.) This fact also goes a long way to the rulers lasting fascination with Nazis and fascism.

Thanks to Steve for the links.

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