Sunday, July 03, 2022


 An article appearing in The Star, June 27, entitled “Indigenous conservation Canada’s way of the future, Guilbeault says.” In reference to Steven Guilbault , Minister of Environment aroused a barrage of hate. This involved demonization of the minister and the Liberals, the Big Lie Technique, conspiracy fantasies and racism toward Indigenous people. Guilbault had the temerity to suggest that we could learn something from Indigenous People and that they ought to be given some say in environmental matters. The remarks below are highly disturbing as they represent 4 aspects of Umberto Eco's 14 points of Ur-fascism. (1) (Eco said that only one of these points was enough to generate a fascist movement)

BIG LIE TECHNIQUE – non-violence as terrorism, Guilbault was a former environmental activist with Greenpeace.

From an orange suit to a cabinet position. From a terrorist to a level of authority and we wonder what the hell went wrong with our country?? Canada is 155 years old today but only took two trudeau's to destroy it.”JT's eco-terrorist from the 1970s and 1980s”

DEMONIZATION - “Guilbeault: one of Canada's destroyers” “The guy is a stunt clown with no qualifications other than being a Quebecer who like his boss hates the west.and Free Enterprise.” “with the help of dogmeat Singh”USELESS TAPEWORMS”

ANTI-INDIGENOUS BIGOTRY  How come they pollute their own reserve” “but they never practiced or currently practice animal conservation. They're wiping out the walleye in Alberta, salmon in BC. And they have no issues with wiping out entire WMU's of moose and elk.”4.9% of the population of canada should dictate how the other 95% live - yeah, right.“never was their land they were nomads who crossed the land bridge at Alaska 10s of thousands years ago. Continued being nomads we have to make them self sufficient and stop pumping endless money into reserves where it is eatin up by chiefs and council. Harper made them accountable for the money and Trudeau scrapped it“ there never was any inter-tribal massacres or scalping, or slave trade or stealing and raping of females by variouos tibes long before whitey came here?“governments pass along billions a year from our tax dollars, way more than come from "resources" taken from OUR land, not exclusively their land, but hey don't let facts get in your way.“The amount of time, money and effort spent on 4.9% of the population is ridiculous and hopefully the day of reckoning will come when they are told STOP, ENOUGH, instead of being a liability be an asset.” “Somebody said get rid of Reservations, and old time, long forgotten treaties that have no relevance to the 21st century. We forget that when Columbus arrived in North America that some indigenous tribes were slaughtered by other tribes, and their sacred sites, language and customs have deliberately been erased by other tribes who wanted everything for themselves. Bring out the past, investigate which lands were stolen or confiscated by other tribes, and reverse these tragedies.“Why all the fuss about aboriginal clean drinking water.” “Most Canadians pay for their own filtration systems or pay waterboard taxes for potable citywater. Why are the indigenous special?“I see the native lands quite often , Protect land , animals ? really ? Puppies in landfill , stray animals , land , houses in shambles , wrecks and garbage about . Protect what land ? Like Guilbealt ( jail bird ) all a fake all for Money ! “ “lets burn the prairies to destroy an entire herd of bison… environmentally friendly!

CONSPIRACY FANTASIES - “U.N.D.R.I.P is a Scam! you are using the Indian people as pawns in order to fulfill your evil agenda of U.N Agenda 21/2030 AKA NEW WORLD ORDER!”Is he a member of the WEF?” “the globalists are just using the natives sadly / when they get the power they will destroy them! guilbeault is WEF bought and paid for!he butt buds with turd.”

1. The four points are disagreement as treason, fear of difference, obcession with a plot and selective populism.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Anarchism in Bolivia


Review of Huascar Rodriguez Garcia's La Choledad Antistatal

Anarchism doesn't really begin in Bolivia until 1923 when Luis Cuiscanqui, an Aymara mechanic and Domitilia Pareja form el Grupo de Propaganda Libertario and commence publishing Antorcha. The first anarcho-syndicalist unions were formed shortly thereafter. In 1927 the Federacion Obrera Local (FOL) was formed in La Paz uniting these new unions. The anarchists put their efforts into the eight hour day struggle. At that time people worked 10 hours a day and this was often increased to 24 hours in the mines.

The FOL quickly became a powerful mass movement, not just emphasizing the general strike, but also popular education and culture. They supported the Aymara in their struggle against the state and the landowners. Support for indigenous people became a central focus of the federation. Luis Cuisicanqui published an anti-racist manifesto "Voice of the Campesino" for which he was persecuted by the state. From the beginning, FOL had an autonomous women's movement and union – Sindicato Feminino de Oficios Varios led by three of FOL's most important anarchist militants, Catalina Mendoza, Rosa Rodriguez, and Petronilia Infantes. This became the Federacion Obrera Feminina (FOF) The workers knew them affectionately as Cata, Peta and Rosa. The union became very influential among laundry women, culinary workers, florists and market women.

Anarchism quickly spread to other cities in Bolivia. During the Fourth National Workers Congress of 1929 Marxists were in a minority and the anarchist presence was overwhelming. The Federacion Oruro de Trabajadores (FOT) was formed in Oruro. The growth of this union, as well as their dynamite armed miners sowed panic among the ruling classes. FOT also formed a women's union much like FOF.

Meanwhile, the Bolivian Government was gearing up for a battle with Paraguay in the ill fated Chaco War. The anarchists were naturally opposed. Many were rounded up and placed in jungle concentration camps, and as people of the Altiplano, many died of malaria and TB. Others were put in front of firing squads and shot as "traitors," or placed on the front lines. The police engaged in false flag operations, setting off bombs in the barrios, hoping the anarchists would get blamed. FOL and FOT were made illegal and the movement went underground.

FOL regrouped in July 1935 and organized a massive general strike that put La Paz in the hands of the workers. The army revolted and overthrew the government. The military had become radicalized during the Chaco War, attempted to introduce top-down statist "military socialism" and tried to coopt the anarchists. This endeavor failed.

In spite of all this violence and turmoil, the Federacion Obra Feminina persisted. They did such a good job of organizing women cooks, servants and restaurant workers that men sought to join. The women feared a take-over and told the men to form their own union and join FOL . As they said to the men "we organized it, we defended it, we run it!" FOF were also aware of the racial aspect involved. The women who laboured in the kitchens and houses of the rich white criollos were Indigenous (Cholas) . FOF was proud to be a Chola union and by 1940 had 5000 members.

Defend their union they did. Market women were accused of being smugglers for bringing in goods from the countryside. The resulting strikes and mass demonstrations saw many arrests and beatings, but the FOF women soaped the street causing the mounted cops and troops to slip and fall. Things got so hot for the authorities that the law was eventually rescinded.

FOF organized schools and libraries, teaching women to read. They also fought for the right of divorce and equal treatment of children in and out of wedlock. These demands scandalized the hypocritical upper class women.

The radicalized soldiers formed the National Revolutionary Movement (MNR) and organized a miners union in 1944. This union began to push the anarcho-syndicalists to one side, but it took another eight years to eliminate their influence. In the meantime FOL organized campesinos in the Federacion Agraria Departmental (FAD) Shortly after, early in 1947, the peasants rose up in one of the greatest insurrections of indigenous people of the 20th century. The whole Altiplano was ablaze with burning haciendas. The people took back their land stolen centuries ago. FOL, FOF and FAD called a general strike. The state responded with massive repression. Thousands were arrested and sent to jungle concentration camps where thirty died, including FAD leader Marcelino Quispe. The repression was so extreme that the Federacion Obra Feminina remained the largest intact anarcho-syndicalist group and became the vanguard of the movement.

The MNR, now further radicalized by the Trotskyists, did little. The anarcho-syndicalists took the blow for them and they reaped the benefits by moving in and organizing their own unions. In 1952 the MNR won the general election and the oligarchy refused to relinquish power. A spontaneous revolt throughout the country, in which the anarchists were deeply involved, overthrew the government. The nation was in the hands of the workers and peasants, but the MNR reintroduced the state and immediately sought to limit the direct action socialization process going on. The Workers Confederation of Bolivia (COB) was formed by the Trotskyists and the anarcho-syndicalist unions were forced to join. FOL dissapeared soon after. FAD lived on for another couple of years, but was eventually forced to amalgamate with the MNR peasants union.

FOF joined the MNR union in 1955, but somehow maintained its existence as an anarcho-syndicalist movement. Ten years later the Federacion Obra Feminina was finally crushed by the US-inspired Barrientos dictatorship which overthrew the MNR government.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022


These are the comments found in a fossil fuel propaganda site called “Fairness Alberta” Note the racist attacks on Quebec, the paranoia and conspiracy fantasies. And the endless demonization of the innocuous Justin Trudeau. No doubt these were many of the same people who supported the KKKonvoy

We have a PM focused on destroying the West and giving everything to Quebec to make it grand

Maybe it's time to throw QUEBEC out of Canada . They don't seem to like anything about Canada except transfer payments

If Canadians allow it to continue worse is yet to come with the complete shut down of the energy sector in western Canada... And that has been the objective of Trudeau, Singhe and most Quebec leaders for several years now, ...part of the wef plan they are following [WEF is the “World Economic Forum” bugbear of the loony right]

The Liberal/NDP Government is the enemy to the oil and gas industry! It is a Regressive government!

actually he wants to give Canada to the UN & WEF …for those organizations to run our country... They will take everything we have (our houses, vehicles, boats, sleds, body autonomy, freedom), and we will become their slaves.

he is deliberately destroying Canada setting it up for a communist(or worse) govt to move in and take over

We have the worst most corrupt prime minister and his cabinet along side the highest corrupt province Quebec that are leaches and are draining this country to the point of no return.Can any one tell me what Quebec and the liberals do for Canada but use it like their own bank and keep Canada bankrupt and leave the rest of Canadians poorer.Quebec and Trudeau should be kicked out of Canada and maybe we can final get this country back on tract without these leaches thinking that Canada is their slaves.It makes me sick how Trudeau and Quebec have destroyed Canada and divided this country in two .Trudeau and the corrupt mafia in Quebec work well together and that’s why this uneducated spoiled boy remains in power because he’s the puppet to pass what ever Quebec wants and in return he gets kick backs and votes.Quebec still has the highest corruption in Canada and it is only getting worse with Trudeau in power because that’s the only way Trudeau knows how to keep himself in government is through bribery and corruption.

The liberals are determined to support communist regimes and destroy our energy industry. Unreal.

a way to weaken the Canadians to be easier to control by the Global entities.

Anyone who is against the use of Canada's natural resources of oil and gas is an enemy of Canada !!!!

How can Quebec tell other Canadians how to be? Quebec hasn't signed into confederation! Quebec shouldn't have a say in any of Canadian politics! As far as I'm concerned, GET OUT OR SIGN INTO CONFEDERATION!

You want different things in life, Just about everything you buy clothes, cars, boats, toilet paper to list a few needs oil or gas to make it or run it. So if everything is shut down in the gas and oil sector you would not have things you need so stop harping on shutting everything down

The liberals and NDP are ruining all of Canada now not just the west. Traitors have to be dealt with.

Liberals propaganda has convinced the ignorant masses that Canadian oil and gas is bad! They have done so because the Trudeau foundation and the Liberal elite are making vast fortunes from imported oil!

No oil for Quebec from Alberta......................Period. And no Saudi oil for Quebec. And no illegal immigrants through Quebec.

Saturday, April 02, 2022


 Here is a list of articles on Covid 19 disinformation.

Interesting that half of the 12 most important sources of disinformation in the Guardian article are entrepreneurs using Covid to make money.  As well one is an Anti-Semite and another a religious fanatic trying to spread racist hatred.

Thursday, March 10, 2022


The Ukraine is the site of one of the oldest civilizations in the world. Cucuteni culture was from about 5500BCE – 3000BCE – Also known as the “Trypillian Culture.” During middle phase there were settlements in the form of concentric circles of up to 15,000 people. Climate change and invasion of the Indo-European “Kurgan peoples” caused the collapse of this society and a “dark age”. The Cucuteni culture shows no sign of a power hierarchy and had a subsistence farming economy based upon gifting. What we see is a fairly advanced civilization without the state or class division. (*) This is also true of other neighboring cultures such as the Vinca, located in what is now Rumania and Serbia. This latter culture also had the beginnings of an alphabet, the symbols of which reappear a thousand years later in the Minoan “Linear A” script. The Kurgan peoples – who may have destroyed the Cucuteni-Trypillian civilization, were definitely a hierarchical society. The kurgans are mound tombs burying a king along with his sacrificed horses, wives and slaves.

In classical times this area was occupied by the Scythians - warlike tribes of horsemen. (900-200 BCE) Some of the horse-riding archers were women, giving rise to the Greek myth of the Amazons. The Scythians came from central Asia and Siberia and their lands stretched all the way from Mongolia to Germany.

March ahead several thousand years. The area of Russia, Belarus and the Ukraine was settled by the Eastern Slavs. First mention of the Slavs is in the second century AD by Roman chroniclers . It seems the Slavs lived in the area roughly similar to the Cucuteni culture thousands of years before, though their origins must lie in Eurasia further to the east. Russian history begins with the establishment of the Rus state. (Hence Rus-land) The Rus state was the result of the Varangians – a mix of Slav, Norse and Finns who traded in the area. Novgorod became the chief city and in 862 AD Oleg of Novgorod seized Kiev and established the state of Kievan Rus, which united the northern and southern East Slav lands. Under the influence of the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire Kievan Rus adopted Christianity and other customs. (One of which was calling the king a Tsar (Russian translation of Caesar or emperor.) Kiev became wealthy with the trade on the Volga and the exchange of goods between Europe and the Middle East. In 1237 Kievan Rus was destroyed by the Mongols – with a great loss of life and the center of Rus-land shifted north to Moscow. Finally after almost 250 years of struggle the Mongols were defeated and the basis for the modern Tsarist state was created.

A contradiction lies at the heart of Russian society – a strange mix of authoritarianism and anarchism. A society that gives you Ivan the Terrible, Stalin, Putin and the Azof Battalion also gives you Bakunin, Kropotkin, Maria Spiradanova and Nestor Makhno. The roots of this contradiction may go all the way back to the Cucuteni culture with its stateless, classless society, conquered by the brutal Kurgans. Add to this the Byzantine despotism and its authoritarian religion and the traumas that 250 years of struggle against the Mongol invader must have engendered. In spite of the repression through the millenia, the cooperative and libertarian communist practices survived among the Ukrainian and Russian peasants. These took the form of the MIR – village ownership of the farm lands and their egalitarian distribution and the ARTELS – village production cooperatives. These libertarian communist practices were such that both Karl Marx and the Socialist Revolutionary Party thought that the Russian lands need not pass through capitalism, but on the basis of these practices develop a socialist society.

The positive aspect of the Russian peoples – their “instinctual” anarchism, means we should not give up on either the Russian or Ukrainian peoples, no matter the nature of their leaders or the system that dominates and exploits them.

(*) Nestor Makhno would have liked to have heard this.

Saturday, February 26, 2022



One of Michels observations is undoubtedly true. Only a minority is ever involved. But this fact does not mean the “iron law” is inevitable. Cooperatives or strata councils are run by a small group and usually a minority attends the mass meetings. As long as these groups are governed according to the wishes of the membership, this minority situation holds sway. However, should the executive decide to act contrary to the wishes of the membership, people come out of the woodwork, vote down the proposal and elect a new executive. These changes can occur as long as the structure of the organization allows it. If there are clauses in the organizations constitution that limit the powers of the membership, then the leadership will have its way, and the iron law is functioning.

Here are two examples, one positive, one negative. A Vancouver credit union was taken over by individuals who used the institution for speculation in real estate. Members rallied and eventually voted out the speculators and returned the institution to its original mandate. Mountain Equipment Coop was taken over by a group that grossly overextended the business leading to bankrupsy. They decided to sell the coop to an American corporation. The membership revolted and tried to stop this. But unfortunately there was a clause that allowed the leadership to ignore the the membership and so the coop was sold, in spite of the membership's wishes. Hence structure matters and the iron law can be offset.

Michels lumps syndicalism in with regular trade unions and political parties as being subject to the iron law. We have to remember that when he wrote POLITICAL PARTIES the syndicalist movement was only about sixteen years old. Later syndicalists would learn from the mistakes of the early movements. The French CGT soon developed a self-perpetuating leadership. Leon Jouhaux led the union for 40 years and other syndicalist leaders spent decades in office.

Later syndicalist unions like the IWW introduced term limits to prevent the formation of a permanent leadership clique. One's office was limited to two terms of a year, and then you could not run again for five years. Michels complaint might be that term limits would harm the organization by eliminating skilled experienced leaders. But these people did not disappear. They were always there for advice if needed, and furthermore assumed other important, but non-executive roles. These included traveling delegates,organizers, public speakers, and writers. Like Indigenous Elders, they had input, but no executive power.

Michels wrote of how the party or union, to be effective needed certain skilled, educated individuals. These became the core of the bureaucracy and eventually led to a more conservative outlook on the part of the institution. The IWW simply contracted lawyers and accountants, using them for their advice and skills, but not making them part of the union structure.

Throughout the history of the IWW various groups have tried to take over the organization, and thus establish elite control, but have never succeeded. The reason for this failure is the union structure. It is first and foremost highly decentralized. Each branch is semi-autonomous. The only way the IWW could pull a branch charter (dissolving the branch) would be if the group acted totally contrary to the constitution of the union. Each branch freely elects its officers and delegates on an annual basis. Each year there is a Convention of the union and each branch elects delegates to it, the number dependent upon the size of the branch. The role of the Convention delegate is to carry out the will of the branch they represent. There are also term limits as to convention delegates. The Convention does not decide the union policies. They merely discuss the proposed amendments and policies – which have been sent in by the membership – and develop them into a workable “package” that the membership as a whole – by secret ballot – will then vote on later that year at the same time they also vote in the new General Executive Board. Hence the IWW, and similar syndicalist unions, have avoided the rule of a clique, the formation of a bureaucracy and the eventual rejection of its radical syndicalist policies for conservative unionism. At the same time, it is not a fossil from 1905, but has changed as is needed, without forgetting its essential attributes.

As well as the IWW there is also the example of the International Typographical Union. Seymour Martin Lipset analyzed this union in UNION DEMOCRACY. A number of factors counter-acted the iron law. “The first and perhaps most important has to do with the way the union was founded. Unlike many other unions... organized from the top down, the ITU had a number of large, strong, local unions who valued their autonomy, which existed long before the international was formed. This local autonomy was strengthened by the economy of the printing industry which operated in largely local and regional markets... Large locals continued to jealously guard this autonomy against encroachments by international officers. Second, the existence of factions helped place a check on the oligarchic tendencies that existed at the national headquarters. Leaders that are unchecked tend to develop larger salaries and more sumptuous lifestyles, making them unwilling to go back to their previous jobs. But with a powerful out faction ready to expose profligacy, no leaders dared take overly generous personal remuneration.” 1.

The social movements of the 21st Century practice both “talking circles” and consensus. Of course, these tend to be ad hoc rather than permanent organizations, but it is not difficult to see how these procedures can counteract the iron law. By consensus, I mean “modified consensus” - not full consensus where one individual can block the proceedings, a situation untenable in large gatherings. The talking circle entails everyone having input, no one can hold down the floor as speaking time is limited, and no one may speak again until all others have. With consensus, the only policies adopted are those that have the overwhelming agreement of the whole group. It is not hard to see how such methods when used in permanent organizations would prevent the formation of dominant cliques and the imposition of policies contrary to the wishes of the membership.

Anarchists did not need Michels to tell them about the problems of organization. Indeed, they knew about the “iron law” well before it was coined as a term. It is precisely methods of organization that separated the Marxian socialists from the libertarian socialists. Socialist and Marxist Leninist groups and parties have for some strange reason ignored POLITICAL PARTIES. The result has been an on-going move toward the right among mass-based parties, cultism and/or factionalism among the smaller groups. None seem able to question the structure or procedures of their organizations. They search for excuses outside of their sect, but never themselves. Hence they are doomed to be either capitalist reformists or generals without an army.

The German Green Party initially was aware of the problems of organization, being influenced by anarchism. However, the rotation of MPs, decentralization and consensus seemed incompatible with a functioning parliamentary party. Thus, the Greens moved in the direction of a more conventional form of internal politics. The Green experience indicates that the parliamentary system is ultimately incompatible with a more developed and inclusive form of democracy.


Sunday, February 20, 2022

Part 2 Robert Michels - POLITICAL PARTIES The Errors of “POLITICAL PARTIES”

There are a number of assumptions made by Michels which are not based upon empirical evidence and are little better than elitist prejudices, or at best, may have been true at the time, but are no longer the case today. There is a “pathology of the crowd” and the “masses incapable of most necessary resolutions.” 25 In the “lower stages of civilization, tyranny dominant.” 32 As we know from anthropology, societies without the state tend toward consensus and are not tyrannies.
Millions cannot make decisions without intermediaries. Assemblies of thousands have the “gravest difficulties”. (Tell that to the Indignados) 26 Hence the need for delegates to represent the mass” 27(A confusion between representation and delegation) 25 
“A strong organization needs a strong leadership.” 36 A “fighting party needs a hierarchical structure” as “liberty must yield to the need for prompt action.” and “democracy incompatible with strategic promptness.” 42 All are assumptions and are counter-acted by evidence, such as the anarchist militias in Spain, the Zapatistas, the Kurdish militias etc.
For most people the relationship of the “good of the individual and the good of the collectivity... little developed.” which is why parties reject referenda as a means of safeguarding democracy.” 42 This was written two years before tens of millions of men went off to get themselves killed in a misguided, but nonetheless authentic desire to sacrifice themselves for the national collectivity.
The majority are indifferent, only a minority take part in party decisions. 50
(Are they really indifferent, or just happy with the way the organization functions? About 90% of the IWW members do not bother to vote in the annual elections – yet these same members are active in activities of their branches.)
There is a huge difference of educational level among members, giving rise for a need for leadership. 53 (This may have been true in the past, but part of today's lack of deference toward authority is rooted in the fact that many of us are better educated than our masters.) 53
The masses have a need to “prostrate themselves” before their leaders, which is the remains of a “religious need.” 67. This may have been true to an extent in the past, but today – other than the far-right – witness the adulation of Trump – most people have a fairly cynical view of their wannabe leaders.
The anarchists are “enemies of all organization.” 81 Not that old cliché again!
Bernstein is quoted as evidence. He denies the average person the knowledge and ability to make “unreconstructed popular sovereignty” possible and as the masses lack a sense of responsibility, “socialism is [not] everything BY the people, but everything FOR the people.” 88. For social democracy, democracy is an end, not a means. The mass must submit to the leaders, who know more than they do.” 95 Ominous! Here we have socialism stripped of its the self-managed essence. Right-wing social democracy begins to confuse state ownership with socialism.
Michels complains in a rather priggish way about the vast numbers of associations social democratic workers belonged to. Lacking the slightest notion of the pre-figurative – all the good stuff has to wait for the Party taking power – he sees this associationalism – today seen as one of the high points of German social democracy - as dangerously “petty-bourgeois.” This is from the guy who ten years later supports Mussolini! 289
Michels refers to syndicalism's attempts to overcome the iron law by reducing the control of a minority over the union. He criticizes this attempt by confusing delegation and representation, asking how can the problems of organization be overcome by an antidote rooted in representation? 340 He sees the oligarchic nature of French syndicalism in the lack on initiative of the working classes. They don't move unless told to by the union. Only a handful of union members subscribe to the CGT press. 354 But activists are always a minority, everywhere. This is only a problem if this minority becomes a self-perpetuating elite, or tries to force itself boss-like upon the mass of workers.
He assumes that social wealth could only be administered by a bureaucracy which leads to the impossibility of a society without classes, as the adminstrators end up with the power of a capitalist. These administrators would use their power and relative wealth compared to the workers to secure the same positions for their children. 383 Michels has seemingly no conception of self-management, and the use of decentralization and federalism to minimize the possibility of a centralized bureaucracy forming.
He reiterates Marx's complaint about the position of the Federal Council anarchists on the need to send delegates to committees. According to Marx, these delegates would “be invested with an authoritative character.” 359 This is pure obfuscation, since delegates carry out the will of the assembly and can be recalled by the assembly.
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