Thursday, December 22, 2005

Peaceful Primates?

Dick Martin passed me an interesting article, called “A Natural History of Peace” which appeared, in of all places, FOREIGN AFFAIRS.

Summary: Humans like to think that they are unique, but the study of other primates has called into question the exceptionalism of our species. So what does primatology have to say about war and peace? Contrary to what was believed just a few decades ago, humans are not "killer apes" destined for violent conflict…

To read more
click here


  1. I liked this comment from the article;"Our purported uniqueness has been challenged most, however, with regard to our social life. Like the occasional human hermit, there are a few primates that are typically asocial (such as the orangutan)." So I guess that makes the orangutang an Objectivist. See my Ayn Rand 100 for more snarky comments like this.

  2. Anything that makes fun of Randroids is fine by me. A-social orangutans, fairly apt description, I think...
